The needles used are extremely fine. Generally, a skilled acupuncturist will cause no pain. There is a distinctive sensation which is often described as a tingling sensation and can sometimes be felt along the pathway of the meridians. The sensation only lasts for a second or two. Afterwards, most patients feel very relaxed.
Electro-Acupuncture uses acupuncture needles to conduct small electrical currents. This technique is often used in conjunction with acupuncture to enhance treatment, and has been proven to decrease pain, accelerate healing, and significantly reduce inflammation, edema and swelling.
Moxibustion is a technique in which a Chinese herb called mugwort or Artemisia Vulgaris is used to heat an acupuncture point, particularly in the treatment of certain debilitating conditions as well as arthritis and pain. Moxa is usually rolled into a stick, lit, and held over specific areas of the body. It can also be placed onto the handle of an acupuncture needle for deeper penetration of heat.
In cupping, a glass or plastic cup is suctioned onto the body and kept in place for about ten minutes. This stimulates circulation, relieves swelling, and enhances the acupuncture or electro-acupuncture.
Tui Na is Chinese body work. It is used in conjunction with acupuncture for a variety of musculo-skeletal and organ-related issues.
No. We only use FDA registered, sterile, single-use stainless steel needles and they are disposed of immediately after each acupuncture treatment.
A fully trained and experienced acupuncturist knows how to use needles safely and effectively and how to avoid any potential danger areas. The importance of seeking an appropriately experienced acupuncturist cannot be overstated. The vast majority show absolutely no adverse effects from acupuncture treatment. Generally, there is also no conflict between acupuncture and conventional medical treatment. In the U. S. there has been no record of an infection having been transmitted by a qualified acupuncturist.
Many major health insurance policies and plans cover acupuncture treatments. We are a network provider for many major insurance companies. If your plan covers acupuncture, we can file insurance for you. If you would like for us to contact your insurance company to verify acupuncture benefits, please call (214.739.5535) or e-mail (bai@acupuncturetx.com) the following information to us.
1) patient's name
2) patient's date of birth
3) patient's phone number
4) patient's major reason for treatment
5) name of insurance company
6) customer service phone number for insurance company
7) insurance policy ID number
8) insurance policy group number
Today acupuncture is an acknowledged and respected field of medicine which requires formal training and an acupuncture license in order to practice. However, each acupuncturist's training varies greatly in the U.S. In China, we need to have 5-6 years minimum education to graduate from a university of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture. Acupuncture and Traditional medicine is an art and a science that also takes years to master. Ask your acupuncturist how many years he or she has been practicing. Look for an acupuncturist who has excellent formal training and years of clinical experience. Furthermore even where the acupuncturist is well-qualified it is still crucial that you find a practitioner with whom you have full confidence and of course word of mouth is the best way to find a good acupuncturist.
Generally, your first visit is longer than your follow-up visits or at the very least it entails quite a bit of questioning. Your acupuncturist will gather information. The answers you provide to the questions, along with other basic diagnostic tools such as looking at your tongue and feeling your pulse allow the acupuncturist to tailor the treatment specifically to you. Once the acupuncturist has reached a diagnosis and decided upon the best treatment plan for you, he will insert acupuncture needles into various acupuncture points. Your acupuncturist may also discuss diet or lifestyle changes or use Chinese herbs as options for you.
This individualization of the treatments is one of the strong points of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It is why people may experience broad changes within themselves after receiving acupuncture for a specific complaint. It also means that the treatments can be modified over time if they are not proving to be effective.
This will be determined by many factors; whether the illness is severe or not, whether the illness is chronic or acute, whether the person's constitutional Qi is relatively healthy, whether there are currently any factors in the patient's life which are exacerbating his illness. Treatment may be frequent if the symptoms are severe or acute. It is usual for the patient to come once or twice a week, some patients may need to come more often. Once the patient starts to improve, the frequency of the treatments diminishes.
Although some patients experience improvement after the first treatment, most require at least 2-3 treatments to feel better. Every patient is different. It varies according to the type and severity of the problem, the duration of the problem, the patient's age, the patient's lifestyle, and general health status.
Researchers have identified several physiological mechanisms. Acupuncture stimulates electromagnetic signals in the body to be relayed at a greater rate than normal. Some of these signals start the flow of pain-killing biochemicals such as endorphins, while others mobilize immune system cells to specific sites that are injured or vulnerable to disease. Placing needles at specific acupuncture points also activates opioids in the brain that relieve pain and promote sleep. Acupuncture also promotes the release of neurotransmitters and hormones that affect the body's organ systems in beneficial ways. Some of these chemicals help restore balance to the immune system. Others affect basic metabolic functions such as blood pressure, blood flow, body temperature, and blood sugar levels.
Neurological Diseases
Headache, neuralgia, stroke residuals, Parkinson's disease, facial paralysis, and multiple sclerosis.
Musculo-skeletal Diseases
Acute & chronic pain, in back, neck, hands, legs and knees, sports injuries, arthritis, fibromyalgia, and sciatica.
Diseases of the Reproductive and Urinary Systems
Infertility, cystitis, impotence, incontinence, PMS, morning sickness, menopause syndrome.
Mental and Emotional Syndromes
Stress, fatigue, depression, anxiety and insomnia.
Diseases of the Respiratory
Asthma, chronic breathlessness, hayfever, and sinusitis.
Diseases of Digestive System
Colitis, constipation, diarrheas, irritable bowel syndrome, indigestion, and stomach ulcers.
Disorders of the Skin
Psoriasis, rashes, and acne.
Smoking cessation, drug addiction, weight loss, and face-lift.
Also see Conditions Treated.
The international education organization, the British Council, introduced acupuncture in a podcast. Tune in below to learn more about acupuncture and some of its history.